Umgebung bestimmt Charakter
"Die Umgebung, in der sich der Mensch den größten Teil des Tages aufhält, bestimmt seinen Charakter", diese Zusammenhänge hat schon der altgriechische Philosoph Antiphon erkannt. So die Sindeflinger /Böblinger Zeitung in ihrem Artikel vom 30.06.2008 er den Tagd er Architektur 2008
Montag, 30. Juni 2008
Wie kann ein Gebäude oder bebaute Umwelt Wohlstand fördern?
There is a theory of order that is explored in the traditions of Yoga, Sthaptaya Veda, Music and Dance.This theory postulates the intrinsic order or rhythm that connects the individual elements to the entire system, and follows a working methodology to create order in a chaotic environment so that healing and vibrancy may be established.
Gaining wealth through Vaastu is a little like this. The building when designed with the right balance of aesthetics and proportions in harmony with Natural Law will impart a certain flavour and harmony to the occupants of a space, but unless they are able to bring about a balance and a seeking for excellence in their own lives, the building would remain only an unused resource.
Every individual in his or her pursuit of excellence learns to respect time, energy and activity. When the three are placed in a mutually enriching configuration the individual is capable of shifting from a simple linear growth into a quantum leap. Such a shift of consciousness is the essential ingredient of the human search for meaning in life. This leap is possible in any walk of life, doing any task or activity provided the individual is in a search for order. This search or quest is often referred to as spiritual transformation.
In the field of building design there are four elements that have to be ordered. The universal energies, the unbound space, the physical form and the people who would inhabit the space. When the four are aligned in a way that is appropriate for the context and application, it is stated that the occupants would experience well being and holistic unfolding.
The building composed of the living room, kitchen, bedroom, toilet, and so on is not sufficient to bring about well-being in the family. It is necessary for the building to have certain proportions, spatial configurations, shape, size and underlying connections for the family to be able to touch its full potential. A house that takes into account the basic concepts of energy level planning, cosmology and vedic measurements and proportions is capable of taking the family into deeper levels of self awareness, awakening,and healing of the inner consciousness. The Vaastu tradition makes the promise of well being, prosperity, health, achievement, friendship, and spiritual growth. These benefits are not offered as abstract results, but as clearly defined design parameters and sacred measurements that can be applied in a practical situation.
The concepts of Vaastu when understood well can be adapted for all contexts with ease.
Many interventions can be made in the field of design which will offer benefits and positive results for the occupants of the building, whether residential, commercial or educational.
1. The designed space and form can offer aesthetic pleasure to the occupants.
2. The module employed in the design or the width of the building can be by applying Vedic measurements and proportions. .
3. The design can be a combination of functional needs, psychological comfort, and spiritual well-being.
4. The mystical nature of directions, cosmology and the larger quest of people for their spiritual awakening can be addressed through the design.
5. Benefits such as health, prosperity, friendship and harmony can be offered through the linear measures adopted in the design.
Vastu is actually a sensible way of recreating universal connections and a very practical, eco-sensitive design process.
Vastu principles play a major role in converting this precious capital of human ressources into much needed wealth to eradicate poverty and provide employment opportunities. As the proverb goes: Build right to grow in might! But not in dstructive might, in constrcutive, evolutionary, supportive might, might which consists of creativity, optimism, elan vital, the desire to achieve for the welfare of all.
Another consideration in terms of promoting prosperity, health and well-being should be given to water bodies. According to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda the presence of water ponds, Fountains or a river in the East and North, North-East directions; especially if the water is flowing towards East or South is conducing for prosperity, health and well-being. Water in directions other than these can reduce prosperity, as well as health and good luck.
Gaining wealth through Vaastu is a little like this. The building when designed with the right balance of aesthetics and proportions in harmony with Natural Law will impart a certain flavour and harmony to the occupants of a space, but unless they are able to bring about a balance and a seeking for excellence in their own lives, the building would remain only an unused resource.
Every individual in his or her pursuit of excellence learns to respect time, energy and activity. When the three are placed in a mutually enriching configuration the individual is capable of shifting from a simple linear growth into a quantum leap. Such a shift of consciousness is the essential ingredient of the human search for meaning in life. This leap is possible in any walk of life, doing any task or activity provided the individual is in a search for order. This search or quest is often referred to as spiritual transformation.
In the field of building design there are four elements that have to be ordered. The universal energies, the unbound space, the physical form and the people who would inhabit the space. When the four are aligned in a way that is appropriate for the context and application, it is stated that the occupants would experience well being and holistic unfolding.
The building composed of the living room, kitchen, bedroom, toilet, and so on is not sufficient to bring about well-being in the family. It is necessary for the building to have certain proportions, spatial configurations, shape, size and underlying connections for the family to be able to touch its full potential. A house that takes into account the basic concepts of energy level planning, cosmology and vedic measurements and proportions is capable of taking the family into deeper levels of self awareness, awakening,and healing of the inner consciousness. The Vaastu tradition makes the promise of well being, prosperity, health, achievement, friendship, and spiritual growth. These benefits are not offered as abstract results, but as clearly defined design parameters and sacred measurements that can be applied in a practical situation.
The concepts of Vaastu when understood well can be adapted for all contexts with ease.
Many interventions can be made in the field of design which will offer benefits and positive results for the occupants of the building, whether residential, commercial or educational.
1. The designed space and form can offer aesthetic pleasure to the occupants.
2. The module employed in the design or the width of the building can be by applying Vedic measurements and proportions. .
3. The design can be a combination of functional needs, psychological comfort, and spiritual well-being.
4. The mystical nature of directions, cosmology and the larger quest of people for their spiritual awakening can be addressed through the design.
5. Benefits such as health, prosperity, friendship and harmony can be offered through the linear measures adopted in the design.
Vastu is actually a sensible way of recreating universal connections and a very practical, eco-sensitive design process.
Vastu principles play a major role in converting this precious capital of human ressources into much needed wealth to eradicate poverty and provide employment opportunities. As the proverb goes: Build right to grow in might! But not in dstructive might, in constrcutive, evolutionary, supportive might, might which consists of creativity, optimism, elan vital, the desire to achieve for the welfare of all.
Another consideration in terms of promoting prosperity, health and well-being should be given to water bodies. According to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda the presence of water ponds, Fountains or a river in the East and North, North-East directions; especially if the water is flowing towards East or South is conducing for prosperity, health and well-being. Water in directions other than these can reduce prosperity, as well as health and good luck.
Beziehung von Bauland und unmittelbarer Umgebung
Physical relationship of land with immediate surroundings
Selection of land is a very important aspect according to Sthapatya Ved. Once you find land in an area that you would like to live in, you should check the surrounding area for negative and postive influences.
Some influences which should be avoided:
cemetery in a one mile radius (Friedhof)
hospital (Krankenhaus)
industry (Industrie)
prison building (Gefängnis)
police station (große Polizeistation)
electrical power station within approximately 1000ft, or high voltage electrical line (Kraftwerk, E-Werk, Hochspannungsleitungen und Funkmasten)
Some positive influences:
school, church or religious building within one mile radius
natural beauty such as parks or preserves
clean water features in the North; Northeast and East (lake, river, pond, etc)
Selection of land is a very important aspect according to Sthapatya Ved. Once you find land in an area that you would like to live in, you should check the surrounding area for negative and postive influences.
Some influences which should be avoided:
cemetery in a one mile radius (Friedhof)
hospital (Krankenhaus)
industry (Industrie)
prison building (Gefängnis)
police station (große Polizeistation)
electrical power station within approximately 1000ft, or high voltage electrical line (Kraftwerk, E-Werk, Hochspannungsleitungen und Funkmasten)
Some positive influences:
school, church or religious building within one mile radius
natural beauty such as parks or preserves
clean water features in the North; Northeast and East (lake, river, pond, etc)
Von einem vedischen Architekten: Nutzen für den /die individuelle(n) Bauherren/Bauherrin, Nutzen für die Stadt
The benefits of using Sthapatya Ved knowledge while designing a residence are as follows:
Improves the health of a dweller and his family.
Increases the power of creativity and intelligence.
Extension in the longitivity of life.
Quality of life will increase.
Growth in spiritual and material life will increase.
Family bonding will increase.
Respect for nature will increase.
What are the benefits of using Sthapatya Ved knowledge for designing a town or a city?
These are benefits of using Sthapatya Ved knowledge:
Improves the health in general for people who live in the Vedic town.
Increases the power of creativity and intelligence, which becomes obvious in the progress of town businesses, increase in growth of income per capital, innovative ideas in new businesses.
Due to improvement in health of people, life expectancy will increase.
The Vedic town will stand out among others in terms of quality of life.
Due to support of nature, family bonding within each family and at community level, will be more supportive, and spiritual and material life will grow faster.
Due to increase in awareness among people, respect for nature will increase.
Improves the health of a dweller and his family.
Increases the power of creativity and intelligence.
Extension in the longitivity of life.
Quality of life will increase.
Growth in spiritual and material life will increase.
Family bonding will increase.
Respect for nature will increase.
What are the benefits of using Sthapatya Ved knowledge for designing a town or a city?
These are benefits of using Sthapatya Ved knowledge:
Improves the health in general for people who live in the Vedic town.
Increases the power of creativity and intelligence, which becomes obvious in the progress of town businesses, increase in growth of income per capital, innovative ideas in new businesses.
Due to improvement in health of people, life expectancy will increase.
The Vedic town will stand out among others in terms of quality of life.
Due to support of nature, family bonding within each family and at community level, will be more supportive, and spiritual and material life will grow faster.
Due to increase in awareness among people, respect for nature will increase.
Umwandlung einer "chaotischen" Stadt zu einem Mahavastu
Die Beispiele von Kohärenz und der Schutzwirkung durch einen idealen Mahavastu(Vastu-Meisterplan für eine ganze Stadt) werden in den uralten Schriften des Maharishi-Sthapatya-Veda beschrieben. In den Vedischen Schriften wird geschildert, dass durch die innere Ordnungsstruktur des Vastu, negative Einflüsse quasi "ausgefiltert" werden und außerhalb der Stadt, jenseits der Vastu-Grenze, bleiben müssen.
Dies muss man sich wohl so vorstellen, dass jeder der den Vastu betritt von der Kohärenz der baulichen und landschaftsplanerischen Anlage in seinem Denken positiv beeinflusst wird. Er denkt konstruktiver, positiver und fühlt sich beschwingter.
Die gesellschaftliche Integration, die eine positive Vastu-Planung bewirken kann, ist jedenfalls ein wichtiges Thema in den alten Sthapatya Veda-Schriften. Für moderne Stadtplaner und Politiker, die sich mit allerlei sozialen Malaisen herumschlagen müssen und oft die Ausgrenzung und mangelnde Integration in ihrer Population beklagen, sicher eine interessante Anregung zum Nachschlagen, dass die sozialökologischen Wirkungen einer kohärenten Vastu-Planung schon Thema vor vielen Jahrtausenden waren.
Hier die Umwandlung einer chaotischen Stadt zu einer hoch integrierten und geordneten Stadtlandschaft, wie es Sthapatya Veda schrittweise vorschlägt - wobi jedes Haus und jeder Garten ihren individuellen stilistischen Charakter haben und behalten, aber dennoch die Gebäude und Anlagen gemeinsame Ordnungsprinzipien teilen, die ihre Lebensqualität erhöhen und das Leben der Bewohner in Harmonie mit dem Kosmos bringen:

Dies muss man sich wohl so vorstellen, dass jeder der den Vastu betritt von der Kohärenz der baulichen und landschaftsplanerischen Anlage in seinem Denken positiv beeinflusst wird. Er denkt konstruktiver, positiver und fühlt sich beschwingter.
Die gesellschaftliche Integration, die eine positive Vastu-Planung bewirken kann, ist jedenfalls ein wichtiges Thema in den alten Sthapatya Veda-Schriften. Für moderne Stadtplaner und Politiker, die sich mit allerlei sozialen Malaisen herumschlagen müssen und oft die Ausgrenzung und mangelnde Integration in ihrer Population beklagen, sicher eine interessante Anregung zum Nachschlagen, dass die sozialökologischen Wirkungen einer kohärenten Vastu-Planung schon Thema vor vielen Jahrtausenden waren.
Hier die Umwandlung einer chaotischen Stadt zu einer hoch integrierten und geordneten Stadtlandschaft, wie es Sthapatya Veda schrittweise vorschlägt - wobi jedes Haus und jeder Garten ihren individuellen stilistischen Charakter haben und behalten, aber dennoch die Gebäude und Anlagen gemeinsame Ordnungsprinzipien teilen, die ihre Lebensqualität erhöhen und das Leben der Bewohner in Harmonie mit dem Kosmos bringen:

chaotische Stadt,
Zitat: Krebsgeschwür moderne Stadt
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher und Prof. Dr. Richard S. Levine schreiben unter dem (Unter-)Titel "Krebsgeschwür - moderne Stadt ":
Moderne Städte leiden darunter, daß sie sich krebsartig in die Umgebung ausbreiten, ohne auf Widerstände zu stoßen. Sie leiden auch darunter, daß viele verschiedene Bedürfnisse - Wohnen, Industrie, Freizeit, Bildung, Alltagsversorgung - um ihren Anteil am vorhandenen Grund und Boden kämpfen müssen. Manche dieser Bedürfnisse schaffen tote Zonen, die in der traditionellen zweidimensionalen Stadt die Qualität von humanen und ökonomischen Nebennutzungen stören. Menschen vermeiden die toten Zonen, die durch großflächige Institutionen mit undifferenziertem Gebrauch entstehen - Industrien, Parkplätze, alle Plätze, an denen keine menschliche Interaktion stattfinden kann.
Diese Institutionen sind für die Stadt und für ihre gesunde Aktivität notwendig, aber ihre äußere Gestalt ist innerhalb des Stadtgeflechts langweilig, ohne Leben, manchmal stellen sie Angsträume dar und bilden jedenfalls Hindernisse, die für die BewohnerInnen schwer zu überwinden sind. In der zweidimensionalen Stadt sind Distanzen groß und uninteressant, besonders für Fußgänger. Sie ermutigen zum Benützen von energieintensiven, ressourcenverbrauchenden Verkehrsmitteln, die obendrein das Leben auf den öffentlichen Plätzen reduzieren und damit das Stadtleben schädigen.
Zitiert aus: Heidi Dumreicher, Richard S. Levine: Ein nachhaltiger Stadthügel für das Wiener Westbahnhof-Areal
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher, Oikodrom Wien, und Prof. Dr. Richard S. Levine, Center for Sustainable Cities, Lexington, KY, USA, haben als 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stadthügel'. im Auftrag der Stadt Wien eine "Kostprobe" für das Projekt 'Nachhaltiger Stadthügel' erarbeitet.
Moderne Städte leiden darunter, daß sie sich krebsartig in die Umgebung ausbreiten, ohne auf Widerstände zu stoßen. Sie leiden auch darunter, daß viele verschiedene Bedürfnisse - Wohnen, Industrie, Freizeit, Bildung, Alltagsversorgung - um ihren Anteil am vorhandenen Grund und Boden kämpfen müssen. Manche dieser Bedürfnisse schaffen tote Zonen, die in der traditionellen zweidimensionalen Stadt die Qualität von humanen und ökonomischen Nebennutzungen stören. Menschen vermeiden die toten Zonen, die durch großflächige Institutionen mit undifferenziertem Gebrauch entstehen - Industrien, Parkplätze, alle Plätze, an denen keine menschliche Interaktion stattfinden kann.
Diese Institutionen sind für die Stadt und für ihre gesunde Aktivität notwendig, aber ihre äußere Gestalt ist innerhalb des Stadtgeflechts langweilig, ohne Leben, manchmal stellen sie Angsträume dar und bilden jedenfalls Hindernisse, die für die BewohnerInnen schwer zu überwinden sind. In der zweidimensionalen Stadt sind Distanzen groß und uninteressant, besonders für Fußgänger. Sie ermutigen zum Benützen von energieintensiven, ressourcenverbrauchenden Verkehrsmitteln, die obendrein das Leben auf den öffentlichen Plätzen reduzieren und damit das Stadtleben schädigen.
Zitiert aus: Heidi Dumreicher, Richard S. Levine: Ein nachhaltiger Stadthügel für das Wiener Westbahnhof-Areal
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher, Oikodrom Wien, und Prof. Dr. Richard S. Levine, Center for Sustainable Cities, Lexington, KY, USA, haben als 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stadthügel'. im Auftrag der Stadt Wien eine "Kostprobe" für das Projekt 'Nachhaltiger Stadthügel' erarbeitet.
Hausbesitzer von MSV-Häusern in Kanada
Hier stellen wir ein paar Vastu-Häuser aus Kanada vor und die Stellungssnahmen ihrer Besitzer (leider nur auf Englisch):
Calgary, Alberta, Kanada

Hier der Brahmasthan dieses Hauses:

"It feels like an oasis. Even though I may have a lot to do when I get home, I can hardly wait to get there. We started noticing benefits even before we moved in. We noticed that life was becoming easier, that even though there were challenges, things worked out. If you needed something, you found it; if you had to talk to someone, they called you first. We also experienced a tremendous increase financially that allowed us to expand our vision of the home and add some extra features. I would never have believed at the beginning that we would be able to build what we did.
In this house I have a definite feeling that I am evolving, going through various stages of growth and moving to a different level. It was a full-time job to tend to all the details and decisions that needed to be made while building the house, but it wasn't any harder to build a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home than an ordinary home. Try to have as much detail as possible figured out ahead of time.
Visitors to our home all love it. Even if they don't know anything about Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, they all enjoy being here and remark what a good feeling they have in the house. Several people have said this is the nicest house they've ever been in. Some people have actually mentioned that they have felt some physical changes being close to the brahmasthan.
In building a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda custom-designed home, it is very helpful to have an architect who is familiar with the principles of vastu. This makes the design process much easier and can save time and money. The pre-designed plans from Maharishi Global Construction are an excellent idea because the MSV principles are already incorporated into them.
Just do it! Just go step-by-step one right after the other. The more commitment you give to it, the more support of nature you will get. We really just enjoy being here. There's more bliss."
Bericht vom Besitzer eines bereits bestehenden MSV-Hauses auf Salt Spring Island, British Colombia, Kanada:

"I feel content here. It feels like home. On moving in, right away I noticed a big difference in the quality of sleep. The sleep was really restful and almost had a succulent quality to it. Six to seven months after moving in, experiences were much more profound.
We moved in on a special date and at a special time known as a muhurta according to Maharishi Jyotish* (Vedic Astrology). This was the most auspicious time for us to move in and we noticed that day, that the house changed from being a construction site into our home. There was an enlivening of cosmic awareness because we were awakening all those elements of Natural Law in the house.
The rooms all have distinctly different qualities. Personally I find the meditation room to be very special. It is definitely silent. The living room has a very special quality for meeting with people. I get a very settled feeling when I am in there and I enjoy meeting with others there. The library is just a really nice place to go and read. It feels like it's the appropriate place for this activity. My office feels like it's all about work.
A lot of people have commented that the house feels very silent and quiet. One of the construction workers said, 'I know this place is special. Every morning before I come up here, I meditate so that I will bring my best energy to this job.' A friend of ours who came to visit said she didn't want to leave. She said, 'This is the most beautiful building I've ever been in in my life. What do I have to do so that I can stay here all the time?
I feel a great sense of peace of mind that we have built a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home. The house is meditating for you. I know that this home will be a significant engine in my personal evolution as well as that of my family. We're serious about this.
Get your own MSV home built as soon as you can even if you have to stage it by starting with a smaller house or postponing such things as outbuildings or finishing the basement. Get the home working for you."
Bericht aus Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada

"We have found a pronounced improvement in support of nature since building our Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home. It's just a very practical, down-to-earth support for everything we do. "During the process of building the house, we would run up against what seemed like insurmountable obstacles and suddenly they would disappear as if they had never been there. We got used to insurmountable problems vanishing like a mirage.
I've noticed that in my work life everything is more evolutionary. It's just faster. The growth is faster.
It's a very intense emotional experience to build this kind of house. You need a certain amount of patience and a certain amount of determination because it's not going to be a cakewalk, but it's absolutely worth it in the end. We feel really good that we've done something good for ourselves and our environment.
When people come into the house, they don't like to leave. They'll stand in the doorway for half an hour. That may not sound like a big thing, but when everyone starts doing it, you notice. People walking by never just walk by. They stop and look and discuss and point. The symmetry of the design is inherently appealing. I think people are attracted to it and don't know why.
You have to be practical but you are likely to experience some good support from nature when you are involved in this kind of project. Don't assume it but don't be surprised if it happens. That was our experience. If you can find a good lot and a good builder, then most of your obstacles to building a MSV home are gone. Our builder was fabulous and learned as much as he could about Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture so that he could do a thorough job.
Because light shines all the way through the house from all sides, in late afternoon you find you're just bathed in golden, celestial light. No part of the house is dark. A Maharishi Sthapatya Veda house is a bright house. The light kind of catches your breath. You can see the light changing through the day and through the seasons. It's far more apparent than in a regular house. Nature is more at your fingertips.
The most important benefit to me is that it is an actual technique for personal growth, inner growth. You know that you have structured Natural Law within. Your nervous system is being allowed to function more in accord with Natural Law. You know that you've done something real to support your evolution.
Take the first steps toward building your own MSV house and see what is possible. I would never have dreamed that we would have been able to build a house that cost as much as this one did and yet it actually happened. Sometimes when you do take those first few steps, you do get support. Test the waters and see what happens."
Calgary, Alberta, Kanada

Hier der Brahmasthan dieses Hauses:

"It feels like an oasis. Even though I may have a lot to do when I get home, I can hardly wait to get there. We started noticing benefits even before we moved in. We noticed that life was becoming easier, that even though there were challenges, things worked out. If you needed something, you found it; if you had to talk to someone, they called you first. We also experienced a tremendous increase financially that allowed us to expand our vision of the home and add some extra features. I would never have believed at the beginning that we would be able to build what we did.
In this house I have a definite feeling that I am evolving, going through various stages of growth and moving to a different level. It was a full-time job to tend to all the details and decisions that needed to be made while building the house, but it wasn't any harder to build a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home than an ordinary home. Try to have as much detail as possible figured out ahead of time.
Visitors to our home all love it. Even if they don't know anything about Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, they all enjoy being here and remark what a good feeling they have in the house. Several people have said this is the nicest house they've ever been in. Some people have actually mentioned that they have felt some physical changes being close to the brahmasthan.
In building a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda custom-designed home, it is very helpful to have an architect who is familiar with the principles of vastu. This makes the design process much easier and can save time and money. The pre-designed plans from Maharishi Global Construction are an excellent idea because the MSV principles are already incorporated into them.
Just do it! Just go step-by-step one right after the other. The more commitment you give to it, the more support of nature you will get. We really just enjoy being here. There's more bliss."
Bericht vom Besitzer eines bereits bestehenden MSV-Hauses auf Salt Spring Island, British Colombia, Kanada:

"I feel content here. It feels like home. On moving in, right away I noticed a big difference in the quality of sleep. The sleep was really restful and almost had a succulent quality to it. Six to seven months after moving in, experiences were much more profound.
We moved in on a special date and at a special time known as a muhurta according to Maharishi Jyotish* (Vedic Astrology). This was the most auspicious time for us to move in and we noticed that day, that the house changed from being a construction site into our home. There was an enlivening of cosmic awareness because we were awakening all those elements of Natural Law in the house.
The rooms all have distinctly different qualities. Personally I find the meditation room to be very special. It is definitely silent. The living room has a very special quality for meeting with people. I get a very settled feeling when I am in there and I enjoy meeting with others there. The library is just a really nice place to go and read. It feels like it's the appropriate place for this activity. My office feels like it's all about work.
A lot of people have commented that the house feels very silent and quiet. One of the construction workers said, 'I know this place is special. Every morning before I come up here, I meditate so that I will bring my best energy to this job.' A friend of ours who came to visit said she didn't want to leave. She said, 'This is the most beautiful building I've ever been in in my life. What do I have to do so that I can stay here all the time?
I feel a great sense of peace of mind that we have built a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home. The house is meditating for you. I know that this home will be a significant engine in my personal evolution as well as that of my family. We're serious about this.
Get your own MSV home built as soon as you can even if you have to stage it by starting with a smaller house or postponing such things as outbuildings or finishing the basement. Get the home working for you."
Bericht aus Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada

"We have found a pronounced improvement in support of nature since building our Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home. It's just a very practical, down-to-earth support for everything we do. "During the process of building the house, we would run up against what seemed like insurmountable obstacles and suddenly they would disappear as if they had never been there. We got used to insurmountable problems vanishing like a mirage.
I've noticed that in my work life everything is more evolutionary. It's just faster. The growth is faster.
It's a very intense emotional experience to build this kind of house. You need a certain amount of patience and a certain amount of determination because it's not going to be a cakewalk, but it's absolutely worth it in the end. We feel really good that we've done something good for ourselves and our environment.
When people come into the house, they don't like to leave. They'll stand in the doorway for half an hour. That may not sound like a big thing, but when everyone starts doing it, you notice. People walking by never just walk by. They stop and look and discuss and point. The symmetry of the design is inherently appealing. I think people are attracted to it and don't know why.
You have to be practical but you are likely to experience some good support from nature when you are involved in this kind of project. Don't assume it but don't be surprised if it happens. That was our experience. If you can find a good lot and a good builder, then most of your obstacles to building a MSV home are gone. Our builder was fabulous and learned as much as he could about Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture so that he could do a thorough job.
Because light shines all the way through the house from all sides, in late afternoon you find you're just bathed in golden, celestial light. No part of the house is dark. A Maharishi Sthapatya Veda house is a bright house. The light kind of catches your breath. You can see the light changing through the day and through the seasons. It's far more apparent than in a regular house. Nature is more at your fingertips.
The most important benefit to me is that it is an actual technique for personal growth, inner growth. You know that you have structured Natural Law within. Your nervous system is being allowed to function more in accord with Natural Law. You know that you've done something real to support your evolution.
Take the first steps toward building your own MSV house and see what is possible. I would never have dreamed that we would have been able to build a house that cost as much as this one did and yet it actually happened. Sometimes when you do take those first few steps, you do get support. Test the waters and see what happens."
Vastu-Siedlungsprojekte im Gange in Kanada
Auch in Kanada haben verschieden Maharishi Sthapatya Veda-Entwicklungen begonnen - zwei in British Colombía und eine in Ontario.
Die Vastu Forest Estate hat auf dem wunderschönen Salt Spring Island ein Entwicklungsprojekt auf 70 Hektar Land mit Nordostneigung begonnen.

Salt Spring mit einer Fläche von 180 qkm und einer Bevölkerung von 10.000 Einwohnern ist die größte und interessanteste der Gulf Islands. Sie liegt nur eine kurze Fährfahrt nördlich von Victoria entfernt. Von Vancouver aus ist sie mit den Gulf Island Fähren bzw. Wasserflugzeugen erreichbar. Die Gulf Islands sind wahrlich ein Juwel des amerikanischen Nordwest Pazifiks und ist ein "must see" für Besucher von Victoria, Vancouver oder Seattle. Beglückt mit dem besten Klima Kanadas, mit nicht einmal der Hälfte des Niederschlages von Vancouver oder Seattle, ist Salt Spring ein reizvolles Reiseziel, ganz unabhängig von der Jahreszeit. Die Temperaturen gehen selten unter den Gefrierpunkt und im Sommer sorgt das Seeklima für Abkühlung.
Die Insel hat eine idyllische Landschaft und bietet Plätze für wünschenswerte Abgeschiedenheit und Einsamkeit oder beeindruckende Ausblicke. Salt Spring ist für seine freundliche Dorfatmosphäre bekannt, so wie für spektakuläre Sonnenuntergänge, sonnige Badestrände und inspirierende Wanderwege. Die Insel ist ein Traum für Kunstliebhaber - mehr als 40 Galerien und Studios liegen auf der Insel verstreut. Gezeigt werden Bilder, Holzarbeiten, Töpferei, Trockenblumen, gefärbtes Glas und vieles mehr.
Salt Springs Bilderbuchlandschaft wird vielfach genutzt: Landwirtschaft, Schafzucht, Käseproduktion usw.. Man kann ein Boot oder ein privates Wasser-Taxi mieten und einen der Wasserparks auf den unbewohnten Inseln in der Nachbarschaft von Salt Spring entdecken oder tauchen gehen. Paddeln kann man von Sonnenaufgang bis Untergang mit dem Kayak - die Insel wird als Paddelparadies bezeichnet. Es gibt viele Seen zum Segeln, Surfen oder Kanufahren. Andere beliebte Aktivitäten sind Camping, Golf, Tennis, Man kann Beeren pflücken, Vögel beobachten und bestaunen.
Hier die Beschreibung des Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Projekts:
- 12 Lots range in size from 3.8 to 5.9 acres.
- All lots have a wonderful selection of cedars, fir, balsam and hemlock as well as ferns and natural ground cover.
- Two lots overlook Blackburn Lake on the neighbouring organic golf course, the only organic golf course in Canada!
- Five lots border on a beautiful woodland stream.
- Six lots have views of the islands lying east of Salt Spring in Georgia Strait.
- Each house site is oriented to the east with views opened up to bring in natural light while still maintaining privacy.
- Underground power and telephone services installed to each lot line maintain the pristine nature of the forest.
- Each lot has a drilled well, approved area for a septic field and a driveway roughed-in to the house site.
Photoimpressionen der Vorbereitung der Grundstücke und der Strassenaufschüttung auf dem Gelände der Maharishi Sthapatya-Veda-Kolonie:

Die Vastu Forest Estate hat auf dem wunderschönen Salt Spring Island ein Entwicklungsprojekt auf 70 Hektar Land mit Nordostneigung begonnen.

Salt Spring mit einer Fläche von 180 qkm und einer Bevölkerung von 10.000 Einwohnern ist die größte und interessanteste der Gulf Islands. Sie liegt nur eine kurze Fährfahrt nördlich von Victoria entfernt. Von Vancouver aus ist sie mit den Gulf Island Fähren bzw. Wasserflugzeugen erreichbar. Die Gulf Islands sind wahrlich ein Juwel des amerikanischen Nordwest Pazifiks und ist ein "must see" für Besucher von Victoria, Vancouver oder Seattle. Beglückt mit dem besten Klima Kanadas, mit nicht einmal der Hälfte des Niederschlages von Vancouver oder Seattle, ist Salt Spring ein reizvolles Reiseziel, ganz unabhängig von der Jahreszeit. Die Temperaturen gehen selten unter den Gefrierpunkt und im Sommer sorgt das Seeklima für Abkühlung.
Die Insel hat eine idyllische Landschaft und bietet Plätze für wünschenswerte Abgeschiedenheit und Einsamkeit oder beeindruckende Ausblicke. Salt Spring ist für seine freundliche Dorfatmosphäre bekannt, so wie für spektakuläre Sonnenuntergänge, sonnige Badestrände und inspirierende Wanderwege. Die Insel ist ein Traum für Kunstliebhaber - mehr als 40 Galerien und Studios liegen auf der Insel verstreut. Gezeigt werden Bilder, Holzarbeiten, Töpferei, Trockenblumen, gefärbtes Glas und vieles mehr.
Salt Springs Bilderbuchlandschaft wird vielfach genutzt: Landwirtschaft, Schafzucht, Käseproduktion usw.. Man kann ein Boot oder ein privates Wasser-Taxi mieten und einen der Wasserparks auf den unbewohnten Inseln in der Nachbarschaft von Salt Spring entdecken oder tauchen gehen. Paddeln kann man von Sonnenaufgang bis Untergang mit dem Kayak - die Insel wird als Paddelparadies bezeichnet. Es gibt viele Seen zum Segeln, Surfen oder Kanufahren. Andere beliebte Aktivitäten sind Camping, Golf, Tennis, Man kann Beeren pflücken, Vögel beobachten und bestaunen.
Hier die Beschreibung des Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Projekts:
- 12 Lots range in size from 3.8 to 5.9 acres.
- All lots have a wonderful selection of cedars, fir, balsam and hemlock as well as ferns and natural ground cover.
- Two lots overlook Blackburn Lake on the neighbouring organic golf course, the only organic golf course in Canada!
- Five lots border on a beautiful woodland stream.
- Six lots have views of the islands lying east of Salt Spring in Georgia Strait.
- Each house site is oriented to the east with views opened up to bring in natural light while still maintaining privacy.
- Underground power and telephone services installed to each lot line maintain the pristine nature of the forest.
- Each lot has a drilled well, approved area for a septic field and a driveway roughed-in to the house site.
Photoimpressionen der Vorbereitung der Grundstücke und der Strassenaufschüttung auf dem Gelände der Maharishi Sthapatya-Veda-Kolonie:

Geordneter Städtebau: Der Vastu-Effekt
Geordneter Städtebau
Christian Schweizer, Architekt
Im November 1999 ging folgende Meldung über einen der schwersten Wirbelstürme des 20. Jahrhunderts in Südindien durch die Medien:
"Der Fernsehturm brach zusammen, Strommasten fielen um wie Kegel und mächtige Bäume wurden entwurzelt, aber die zahlreichen Tempel der Stadt blieben unversehrt. Zwischen den Ruinen auf allen Seiten stehen die Schreine noch aufrecht. Nicht ein einziges Tempel-Gebäude, deren Mehrheit auf die Zeit zwischen dem sechsten und zwölften Jahrhundert zurückdatiert, wurde beschädigt. An einigen Orten ist selbst bei einer Windgeschwindigkeit von 250 Stundenkilometer die Flagge auf dem Tempeldach nicht fortgeweht worden."
Bild A:

Genau diesen Schutzschildeffekt Vedischer Architektur und Stadtplanung beschreibt Maharishi als Vastu-Effekt in Anlehnung an den Meissner-Effekt der Quantenphysik, der ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel für die Unbesiegbarkeit der Natur ist. Er zeigt, daß die Fähigkeit, störenden Einflüssen zu widerstehen und Ordnung aufrechtzuerhalten, auf einem kohärenten Kollektivverhalten des Systems beruht. (Bild C)
Wird beispielsweise in einer Stadt jedes Haus im Einklang mit dem Naturgesetz erbaut, dann entsteht durch den hohen Ordnungsgrad eine innige Verbindung zwischen menschlicher Intelligenz und Kosmischer Intelligenz, die in einer solchen Vastu-Stadt zu einem ungewöhnlich hohen Maß an Harmonie und Unbesiegbarkeit führt.
Dieses Prinzip aus der Physik, daß innere Ordnung und Kohärenz störende Einflüsse abwehren, entspricht in der Städteplanung dem Maharishi-Vastu-Effekt. (Bild B)
Bild B:

In einem gewöhnlichen elektrischen Leiter bewegen sich Elektronen in inkohärenter, ungeordneter Weise und lassen deshalb ein Magnetfeld von außen in diesen eindringen. In einem Supraleiter dagegen verhindert das kollektiv-kohärente Fließen der Elektronen spontan, daß ein Magnetfeld von außen eindringt.
In einer gewöhnlichen Stadt verlaufen die Straßen in allen möglichen Richtungen und verursachen dadurch chaotische Orientierungen der Gebäude. Dies führt zu Chaos, Problemen und Verletzung der Naturgesetze im Leben von Mensch und Gesellschaft, sowohl bei den Individuen als auch in der Gesellschaft.
Im Vastu-Plan einer idealen Stadt verlaufen alle Straßen um einen zentralen Platz von Ost nach West und von Nord nach Süd. Dies schafft automatisch Ordnung, Kohärenz und Unterstützung durch die Naturgesetze. (Bild A)
Bild C:
Christian Schweizer, Architekt
Im November 1999 ging folgende Meldung über einen der schwersten Wirbelstürme des 20. Jahrhunderts in Südindien durch die Medien:
"Der Fernsehturm brach zusammen, Strommasten fielen um wie Kegel und mächtige Bäume wurden entwurzelt, aber die zahlreichen Tempel der Stadt blieben unversehrt. Zwischen den Ruinen auf allen Seiten stehen die Schreine noch aufrecht. Nicht ein einziges Tempel-Gebäude, deren Mehrheit auf die Zeit zwischen dem sechsten und zwölften Jahrhundert zurückdatiert, wurde beschädigt. An einigen Orten ist selbst bei einer Windgeschwindigkeit von 250 Stundenkilometer die Flagge auf dem Tempeldach nicht fortgeweht worden."
Bild A:

Genau diesen Schutzschildeffekt Vedischer Architektur und Stadtplanung beschreibt Maharishi als Vastu-Effekt in Anlehnung an den Meissner-Effekt der Quantenphysik, der ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel für die Unbesiegbarkeit der Natur ist. Er zeigt, daß die Fähigkeit, störenden Einflüssen zu widerstehen und Ordnung aufrechtzuerhalten, auf einem kohärenten Kollektivverhalten des Systems beruht. (Bild C)
Wird beispielsweise in einer Stadt jedes Haus im Einklang mit dem Naturgesetz erbaut, dann entsteht durch den hohen Ordnungsgrad eine innige Verbindung zwischen menschlicher Intelligenz und Kosmischer Intelligenz, die in einer solchen Vastu-Stadt zu einem ungewöhnlich hohen Maß an Harmonie und Unbesiegbarkeit führt.
Dieses Prinzip aus der Physik, daß innere Ordnung und Kohärenz störende Einflüsse abwehren, entspricht in der Städteplanung dem Maharishi-Vastu-Effekt. (Bild B)
Bild B:

In einem gewöhnlichen elektrischen Leiter bewegen sich Elektronen in inkohärenter, ungeordneter Weise und lassen deshalb ein Magnetfeld von außen in diesen eindringen. In einem Supraleiter dagegen verhindert das kollektiv-kohärente Fließen der Elektronen spontan, daß ein Magnetfeld von außen eindringt.
In einer gewöhnlichen Stadt verlaufen die Straßen in allen möglichen Richtungen und verursachen dadurch chaotische Orientierungen der Gebäude. Dies führt zu Chaos, Problemen und Verletzung der Naturgesetze im Leben von Mensch und Gesellschaft, sowohl bei den Individuen als auch in der Gesellschaft.
Im Vastu-Plan einer idealen Stadt verlaufen alle Straßen um einen zentralen Platz von Ost nach West und von Nord nach Süd. Dies schafft automatisch Ordnung, Kohärenz und Unterstützung durch die Naturgesetze. (Bild A)
Bild C:

geordneter Städtebau,
Vastu-Vision: Die Kraft der kosmischen Orientierung

von Dr.rer. nat. Bernd Zeiger, Chemiker, Naturwissenschaftler:
Die Kraft der kosmischen Orientierung: Vastu
Die uralte, in Indien überlieferte, vedische Architektur nennt diese kosmische Ausrichtung im objektiven Bereich „Vastu“ (gesprochen mit langem a: Vaastu). Vastu umfasst alle benötigten Methoden, um die kosmische Dimension inmitten der Begrenzungen nicht zu verlieren, sondern zu stabilisieren. Durch geschickt strukturierte Lebensumstände verwirklicht Vastu einen kosmisch ausgerichteten Lebensstil. Bei all seinen täglichen Aufgaben verliert der Mensch nicht die kosmische Perspektive, sondern behält unter allen Umständen den Gesamtüberblick. Dies bewirkt eine maximale mentale Flexibilität und bildet die Grundlage für ein glückliches und erfolgreiches Leben.
Über die Vision eines kosmisch ausgerichteten Lebens durch die Kraft von Vastu informiert die Initiative „Vastu-Vision“ Diese Initiative richtet sich an weitblickende Bürger, Unternehmer, Baufirmen, Architekten, Politiker, Pädagogen.
Der Zweck von Vastu-Vision ist erreicht, wenn im Umfeld der Ballungsgebiete Vastu-Siedlungen gebaut werden, um den Einzelnen und die gesamte Gesellschaft vor Stress und anderen schädlichen Einflüssen zu schützen und um eine Transformation zu kreativen Kulturregionen mit hoher Lebensqualität einzuleiten.
Sonntag, 29. Juni 2008
Es gibt für alles eine ideale Richtung
Erinnern Sie sich an den alten Song von The Byrds, der immer aus dem Radio zum Mitsingen düdelte: There is a season - turn, turn, turn - And a time for every purpose under heaven?! Es gibt eine günstige Zeit für alle Dinge, eine günstige Jahreszeit oder Lebensphase... Als ich Nachfolgendes las, erfuhr ich, dass es auch für vieles eine optimale Richtung gibt, wie der Maharishi Sthpatya Veda vorschlägt:
According to Sthapatya Ved, the three most important influences of a building on human life are the influences of orientation, which is the direction something faces; placement within a building or a city, where certain activities take place; and proportion. There are ideal directions in which to cook, sleep, study, pray or meditate, and create. For example an Eastern orientation is preferred for the placement of house entrances, because the first rays of the sun's light in the morning are the most “awakening” on the planet. Throughout the course of the day, the qualities of sunlight change – from the gentle clarity of the morning sun, to the overhead glare of mid-day, to the heating, penetrating rays of the western sun. Rooms and activities are oriented to take advantage of the appropriate qualities of sunlight as they change.
According to Sthapatya Ved, the three most important influences of a building on human life are the influences of orientation, which is the direction something faces; placement within a building or a city, where certain activities take place; and proportion. There are ideal directions in which to cook, sleep, study, pray or meditate, and create. For example an Eastern orientation is preferred for the placement of house entrances, because the first rays of the sun's light in the morning are the most “awakening” on the planet. Throughout the course of the day, the qualities of sunlight change – from the gentle clarity of the morning sun, to the overhead glare of mid-day, to the heating, penetrating rays of the western sun. Rooms and activities are oriented to take advantage of the appropriate qualities of sunlight as they change.
ideale Richtung,
Qualitäten der Sonne
Architektur und Mathematik
"Architecture is the supreme achievement of mathematics", says Mayan, the legendary architect cum scientist.
Architektur ist die höchste Leistung, der höchst Erfolg, der Mathematik", sagt Mayan, der legendäre Architekt und Wissenschaftler, klassischer Autor des Sthapatya Veda.
Architektur ist die höchste Leistung, der höchst Erfolg, der Mathematik", sagt Mayan, der legendäre Architekt und Wissenschaftler, klassischer Autor des Sthapatya Veda.
Architektur und Mathematik
Leonardo de Vinci, Le Corbusier, Fibonacci und Sthapatya Veda

Jonathan Lipman is an award-winning architect and past President of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy. He is Chief Architect of Maharishi Global Construction and Director of theMaharishi Sthapatya Veda Consultation Service for North America. He has overseen over 200 Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design consultations across the U.S. on houses and commercial buildings. He has spoken on architecture at Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, the Smithsonian Institution, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, and annual national architectural conferences.
Maharishi Vedic architecture is defined as “the most complete and ancient system of architecture and planning on Earth in accord with the solar, lunar and planetary influences on Earth with respect to the South Pole, North Pole and equator, connecting individual intelligence with cosmic intelligence, individual life with cosmic life.”
This may sound “far out,” but anyone with a high school diploma knows there are laws of nature that govern all the structures of nature – the galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, animal life, plant life, cells, atoms, and subatomic particles. From the micro to the macro there are laws of nature that maintain perfect harmony and order in relationships throughout all creation.
Once you start looking, it’s obvious that these principles exist, and it’s not only the Indian rishis who have recognized them. Artists, philosophers, and scientists such as Leonardo de Vinci, Plato and Copernicus have developed entire astronomical, philosophic and artistic schools around the perfection of mathematical proportion, perspective and the cosmos. But it is in the Vedas where the science of mathematical and structural harmony and cosmic influences has reached the highest practical level as applied to the built environment.

Der vitruvianische Mensch, Leonardo da Vinci, 1492, Proportionsstudie nach Vitruv, der selber von den Sthapathis, den Vedischen Architekten Indiens, gelernt haben soll und die Prinzipien der Vedischen Baukunde in seinen Entwürfen umgesetzt haben soll, Bild von Luc Viatour
“Our houses, our buildings, our cities are the intermediaries between us and the cosmos, the natural universe,” says Lipman. “Man-made environments affect quality of life and create predicted influences on the lives of the people who live in and use our buildings.”
Lipman points out that some of the great Renaissance architects used proportion, as created by sacred geometry based in the mathematical spiraling Fibonacci series, as did the more modern Le Corbusier. He says today architects recognize that some buildings have great and inspiring influences that affect the success, health and wellbeing of the people who live and work in them, and that other buildings have the opposite effect. But except for being taught abstract geometric analysis, they’re not taught why the structure has an impact. Worse, the importance of using the principles to consciously create a harmonious environment is completely disregarded.

Anordnung von Blättern im Abstand des Goldenen Winkels, so dass das Sonnenlicht optimal genutzt wird.

Sonnenblume à la Fibonacci

Fibonacci-Spiralen an einem Fichtenzapfen

Geometrie / Phyllotaxis

Le Corbusiers Versuch, Proportionsverhältnisse des menschlichen Körpers auf die Architektur anzupassen. Kritiker gaben an, dass Corbusiers angenommenes Standardmaß der Höhe des menschlichen Körpers nicht auf anthropometrischen Beobachtungen basiert und dies vermuten läßt, es sei aus mathematischer Bequemlichkeit gewählt worden.
There are many factors at work in the creation of a building aligned with principles of Vastu Science, and their importance is slowly making inroads in the West. Feng shui, a derivative of Sthapatya Ved, is probably the best known similar building methodology currently used in the U.S. With the increase in interest, some architects are going to the source.
vedische Proportionen,
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