Jeder, der etwas gesundheitsbewusst ist, hat bereits über das Tema Elektrosmog und die Gesundheitsrisiken, die mit von außen einwirkender, hochfrequente Strahlung sowie auch mit niederfrequente elektrischen Wechselfeldern, wie zum Beispiel die Belastung durch Mobilfunksendeanlagen, verbunden sind.
Die Bioinitiative Report setzt sich für die Festsetzung an erlaubten Höchstgrenzen an Aussetzung von mit elektroagnetischen Feldern verbundenener Strahlung ein. In ihr habe sich Vertreter namhafter Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute zusammengefunden.
Hier einige der Berichte dieser Gruppe, die wissenschaftlich belegte Gefahrenpotentiale definieren, für die die es genau wissen wollen:
SECTION 5: Evidence for Effects on Gene and Protein Expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
Dr. Xu and Dr. Chen
SECTION 6: Evidence for Genotoxic Effects – RFR and ELF DNA Damage
Dr. Lai
SECTION 7: Evidence for Stress Response (Stress Proteins)
Dr. Blank
SECTION 8: Evidence for Effects on Immune Function
Dr. Johansson
SECTION 9: Evidence for Effects on Neurology and Behavior
Dr. Lai
SECTION 10: Evidence for Brain Tumors and Acoustic Neuromas
Dr. Hardell, Dr.Mild and Dr. Kundi
SECTION 11: Evidence for Childhood Cancers (Leukemia)
Dr. Kundi
SECTION 12: Magnetic Field Exposure: Melatonin Production; Alzheimer’s Disease; Breast Cancer
Dr. Davanipour and Dr. Sobel
SECTION 13: Evidence for Breast Cancer Promotion (Melatonin links in laboratory and cell studies)
Ms. Sage
The Precautionary Principle
Mr. Gee
Key Scientific Evidence and Public Health Policy Recommendations
Dr. Carpenter and Ms. Sage
Weitere auch randomisierte, kontrollierte Studien zur EMF-Problematik:
Hier eine Studie, die 2008 erschienen ist:
Biomed Pharmacother. 2008 Feb;62(2):104-9.
Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards.
Hardell L, Sage C.
Department of Oncology, University Hospital, SE-701 85 Orebro, Sweden.
During recent years there has been increasing public concern on potential health risks from power-frequency fields (extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields; ELF) and from radiofrequency/microwave radiation emissions (RF) from wireless communications. Non-thermal (low-intensity) biological effects have not been considered for regulation of microwave exposure, although numerous scientific reports indicate such effects. The BioInitiative Report is based on an international research and public policy initiative to give an overview of what is known of biological effects that occur at low-intensity electromagnetic fields (EMFs) exposure. Health endpoints reported to be associated with ELF and/or RF include childhood leukaemia, brain tumours, genotoxic effects, neurological effects and neurodegenerative diseases, immune system deregulation, allergic and inflammatory responses, breast cancer, miscarriage and some cardiovascular effects. The BioInitiative Report concluded that a reasonable suspicion of risk exists based on clear evidence of bioeffects at environmentally relevant levels, which, with prolonged exposures may reasonably be presumed to result in health impacts. Regarding ELF a new lower public safety limit for habitable space adjacent to all new or upgraded power lines and for all other new constructions should be applied. A new lower limit should also be used for existing habitable space for children and/or women who are pregnant. A precautionary limit should be adopted for outdoor, cumulative RF exposure and for cumulative indoor RF fields with considerably lower limits than existing guidelines, see the BioInitiative Report. The current guidelines for the US and European microwave exposure from mobile phones, for the brain are 1.6 W/Kg and 2 W/Kg, respectively. Since use of mobile phones is associated with an increased risk for brain tumour after 10 years, a new biologically based guideline is warranted. Other health impacts associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields not summarized here may be found in the BioInitiative Report at
Freitag, 20. Juni 2008
Elektrosmog - die Gefahr
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