Sonntag, 29. Juni 2008

Es gibt für alles eine ideale Richtung

Erinnern Sie sich an den alten Song von The Byrds, der immer aus dem Radio zum Mitsingen düdelte: There is a season - turn, turn, turn - And a time for every purpose under heaven?! Es gibt eine günstige Zeit für alle Dinge, eine günstige Jahreszeit oder Lebensphase... Als ich Nachfolgendes las, erfuhr ich, dass es auch für vieles eine optimale Richtung gibt, wie der Maharishi Sthpatya Veda vorschlägt:

According to Sthapatya Ved, the three most important influences of a building on human life are the influences of orientation, which is the direction something faces; placement within a building or a city, where certain activities take place; and proportion. There are ideal directions in which to cook, sleep, study, pray or meditate, and create. For example an Eastern orientation is preferred for the placement of house entrances, because the first rays of the sun's light in the morning are the most “awakening” on the planet. Throughout the course of the day, the qualities of sunlight change – from the gentle clarity of the morning sun, to the overhead glare of mid-day, to the heating, penetrating rays of the western sun. Rooms and activities are oriented to take advantage of the appropriate qualities of sunlight as they change.

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