Workshops about Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design have already been given in The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Ireland.
During these workshops, steps for building a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda house, prices and building procedures will be explained. You can discuss your personal preferences about the interior of the house and the different options for the exterior with the architect.
Because houses that are designed according to Vedic architecture are in harmony with Natural Law, the occupants and their families experience a sense of well-being, better health and more success.
It is the experience of the residents that they feel more supported in their homes. It is of greatest importance for a peaceful family life, that the design of the building in which one lives, is in accord with the structuring dynamics of Natural Law which creates and maintains the universe in perfect harmony and order. Every disturbance of the structuring dynamics of Natural Law causes stress and unnecessary strain in life.
The programme of the workshop is as follows:
Saturday morning at 10.30:
Introduction of Development Company Fortunate Living and overview of the available locations for building houses, community centres and schools.
Basic principles of Vedic Architecture and selection of the right plot of land
Saturday afternoon
Presentation of five standard Sthapatya Veda houses - variations of interior and finishes are possible.
Personal MSV consults about the design of the front and the plan of your house and plot.
Projectmanagement for the construction.
The concept "Peace Villages" for everybody. Houses, offices, schools and Peace Palaces in accord with Vedic Architecture - buildings that are oriented true North-South / East-West with the entrance towards the East.
Saturday evening
Financial considerations with building according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda
Questions and answers
DVD about Global Reconstruction
Sunday morning
Pre-fabricated houses and their possibilities
Planning session
Personal MSV consults
Sunday afternoon
Opportunity for specific personal questions to all lecturers
Closing at 15 o'clock
Personal MSV consults will continue in the evening, if necessary
All lecturers are consultants of Development company Fortuinlijk Wonen. Fortuinlijk Wonen has been appointed as channel for Maharishi Stahpatya Veda building in Europe.
Also, a building company will be invited to speak.
More information about dates of lectures and workshops at Development Company Fortuinlijk Wonen.
You can contact us for a free brochure, or for more information, in the following ways:
Telephone: 00 31 320 411 006
Email: info (at) fortuinlijkwonen.nl
Postal address:
Development Company Fortuinlijk Wonen B.V.
Donaustraat 176
8226 LC Lelystad
Building a good future by design in accord with Natural Law.

The general directorship of Development company "Fortuinlijk Wonen" (Fortunate Living) is with ing. Ger Lieve, a builder who has more than 30 years experience in the building world. He has been an executive at one of the biggest Dutch developers. Afterwards he has also been a housing advisor and a project manager for utility building. He also has been a director of different other companies, of which the previous one for management and development of health care buildings. He is frequently travelling throughout Europe for Development Company Fortunate Living, but apart from that he will be available in his office.
Also the following people are connected to the Development Company Fortunate Living:
project leaders
office personnel
representatives in different areas of The Netherlands
representatives in countries of the European Union and other European countries.
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