Montag, 30. Juni 2008

Beziehung von Bauland und unmittelbarer Umgebung

Physical relationship of land with immediate surroundings

Selection of land is a very important aspect according to Sthapatya Ved. Once you find land in an area that you would like to live in, you should check the surrounding area for negative and postive influences.
Some influences which should be avoided:

cemetery in a one mile radius (Friedhof)
hospital (Krankenhaus)
industry (Industrie)
prison building (Gefängnis)
police station (große Polizeistation)
electrical power station within approximately 1000ft, or high voltage electrical line (Kraftwerk, E-Werk, Hochspannungsleitungen und Funkmasten)

Some positive influences:

school, church or religious building within one mile radius
natural beauty such as parks or preserves
clean water features in the North; Northeast and East (lake, river, pond, etc)

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